
About xNRG

XNRG Nutraceuticals is a developer and supplier of speciality ingredients and Nutraceuticals. We work with talented PhD chemists and experts in the field of nutrition to develop and market highly differentiated finished products that consumers appreciate and respect.

We carry out extensive research and development before we adopt any ingredient into our portfolio. That way you are guaranteed that it is safe, effective and of the highest quality. Integrity and transparency are part of our core values and we strive to meet the highest ethical standards for our industry.

In 2022 we launched our GMP manufactured β-Caryophyllene ingredient under the brand name BCP90®. β-Caryophyllene has remarkable potential in the field of natural medicine with a growing list of robust studies into its ability to alleviate pain and inflammation. Studies on its benefits on the human Endocannabinoid system are numerous and are still being uncovered by researchers and scientists worldwide today. 

Our ongoing focus on development and innovation has resulted in an existing strong product pipeline. With our strong partnerships with European state-of-the-art GMP manufacturing facilities, we are uniquely placed to be able to expand our portfolio, support our growth and serve our customers at the highest level.

We look forward to welcoming you as part of our growing team of loyal customers.

The XNRG team. 


“Our Differentiation is Our Inspiration” 

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